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Showing posts from July, 2017

The Kingdom is Here

Devotional A Now and Future Kingdom The One Year Worship the King Chris Tiegreen Read: Isaiah 65:17  God has promised a new Kingdom. It will be dramatically different than the kingdom we've grown up with. In fact, He has already begun it. Jesus gave glimpses of it whenever He has taught, healed and forgave. He gave us glimpses of it even now, whenever he answers or prayers and grants us the pleasure of His presence. The new heavens and the new earth are a future promise with a present taste. Still, we often live a lot like the captive citizens of this fallen planet. Are we?Of course not. We know God's promises and we depend on the. We've seen His mercy and known His love. The King is coming, and what He does when He comes will be amazing. The problem for many of us is living the future glory in this present world.Basing our lives on one-day promises doesn't seem very realistic today. But doing so is one of the clearest ways we can honor God. We can go ahead a

A Miracle Inside Fear

Written: May 12, 2017 These past few weeks have been one of the most fearful times of my life. It totally confuses me because in a normal person, it should be a time of celebration. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant. We found out at 5 weeks as I have my period on the dot. The second day of my missed period, I took the test. Our family's biggest ongoing prayer request has come true. In all honesty, my heart is grateful but my brain contradicts (nega, you might say). I feel that my body is not as strong as before. I feel every wave of nausea and fatigue washing through me and it totally drains me out. With Matteo, I felt nothing after waking and throwing up in the morning. I can walk from Greenbelt to the Ayala MRT with ease. I eat and eat. It has been totally different. But one of my biggest fears is that the baby wont have a heartbeat. Having known people going through miscarriages, it has been on my mind nonstop. Catching the pregnancy early meant waiting for a couple of