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Not Hungry Enough

A lot of things grieve my heart lately, in a good way. Is that even possible?

I see it in a good way because the things that grieve us are the ones that I know that we have to pray for. They are the burdens placed by God to force us on our knees and pray.

One of those things is bench christianity.

Church sitting your way through life reflects a lack of hunger, as I now realized. I realize this because I went through it, maybe not totally out of it, but recently God has been telling me to get off my butt.

This brings me to this one of my recent devotionals. Still by Chris Tiegreen The One Year Worship the King. Don't stop until you reach the bottom: ( I didn't type the whole devotional, just my favorite parts)

A Godly Hunger
Read: John 4: 24-28

How do we honor God? One of the best ways is to breathe His desires and to crave His will. There aren't too many of us in His body who do that consistently (Claire: GUILTY!); it isn't very natural and it doesn't appeal at all to the fallen self. But if we knew the glory and the peace of being at one with His will, we'd have no greater craving. GOD'S DESIRE FOR US IS
FOR US TO DESIRE ONLY HIM. (Claire: That totally blows my mind)

To desire God goes beyond the need for HIs fellowship that we so desperately seek. (Claire: And can I ask you a question, are you currently desperate to seek fellowship with Him? That is hunger right there. That hunger to enter into the presence of God unlocks so many levels in Christianity, and it doesnt stop until the Lord comes). It is a desire with feet. (Claire: Christianity moves,  people! Unless your church benches comes with wheels and is battery operated, but even that doesn't count). It isnt content with only the emotional side of the relationship; it must put godly emotions and allegiances into action. Our desire for Him includes a desire to work with Him.

How can we accomplish this? There is no other way than God's way: He fills us with His spirit (Claire: your accomplishments, your identity does not matter, you move as the Spirit moves you). It is He who is working in us, both to will and to work for His Father's purposes (Philippines 2:13). Not only does He gives us what our heart desires, He gives us the very desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4).

Is God's will your food? Do you seek to accomplish His will as a bonus to pursuing your own (Claire: Guilty!), or is He the only you really care about? The single mindedness of being passionate about His will is liberating.

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